What is Yoga?

The word yoga is often interpreted as "union" or a method of discipline from the Sanskrit word "yuj" (to yoke or bind). A doctor is called a yogi, a practitioner, yogini.
Postures ....

The contemporary Western approach to yoga is not based on religion or belief, however Yoga is rooted in Hinduism and Brahmanism. Yoga was developed by seers or ascetics who live mainly in the southern regions of India. The lights were observed nature and lived as close as possible to the earth, the study of the various aspects of nature, animals and themselves. By observing and imitating different postures and habits of the animal kingdom, we were able to develop grace, strength and wisdom.

It is through these very disciplined practice of yoga postures have been developed lives. It was necessary to develop a series of postures to maintain flexible and able to withstand long periods of silence when in the body of meditation.
Writings ....

Brahmanism dates contain sacred texts called "Vedas". These passages contain instructions and incantations. It is located in the old text "Rg-Veda" in the scriptures that the word Yoga appeared, there were almost 5000 years. The fourth text called "Atharva-Veda" contains mainly spells and magical rites health remedies many of which use herbs. This text provided the average person with spells and incantations to use in their daily lives and this practice "Veda" can still be seen on the streets of India today.
The Bhagavad-Gita, another ancient book on the spiritual life is described as a treatise on yoga, although it uses the word yoga as a spiritual medium. It is from this literature that "Eight Limbs of Yoga" of Patanjali have been developed. Yoga Sutra deals mainly to develop the "nature of mind" and I'll explain more about this in the next section.

The magnitude ....

The Vratyas, a group of priests who worshiped fertility Rudra, god of wind would try to imitate the sound of wind through their songs. They found that they could produce the sound formed by controlling your breathing and through the practice of breath control "pranayama". Pranayama is the practice of breath control in yoga.

Roads ....

The Upanishads, which are the oldest sacred revelations of Hinduism developed the two disciplines of karma yoga, the path of action and jnana yoga, the path of knowledge. The trails have been developed to help the student to release the suffering and finally gain enlightenment.
The teachings of the Upanishads differed from that of the Vedas. The Vedas have required external offerings to the gods in order to have a happy, abundant. The Upanishads practice of karma yoga based internal sacrifice to liberate the suffering ego. Instead of crops and animals for sacrifice (external), which was the sacrifice of the inner self became the core of the philosophy, so yoga became known as the path of renunciation.

Yoga also shares some features with Buddhism goes back in history. In the sixth century BC, Buddhism also emphasizes the importance of meditation and the practice of physical postures. Siddhartha Gautama was the first Buddhist to really study yoga.

The Yoga Sutra and how they developed the philosophy of yoga?

Yoga Sutra is a compilation of 195 countries offering essentially an ethical guide to living a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga in it. An Indian sage named Patanjali believed that attended more than 2000 years ago and became the cornerstone of the philosophy of classical yoga.

The word sutra literally means a "thread" and is used to designate a particular form of written and oral communication. Due to the abrupt style sutras are written in the student must have a guru to interpret the philosophy contained in each. The meaning in each sutra can adapt to the specific needs of the student.

The Yoga Sutra is a system of yoga, but there is no single description of a posture or asana in! Patanjali has developed a guide to living the good life. The core of his teaching is the "eightfold path of yoga" or "eight limbs of Patanjali." These are the suggestions of Patanjali to live a better life through yoga.

Posture and breath control, both in basic yoga practices are described as the third and fourth branches in the eight-limbed path of Patanjali to self-realization. The third practice of modern yoga postures do today. When you enroll in a yoga class you may find that this is all you need to fit your lifestyle.

The eight limbs of yoga

1. The yamas (restrictions)

They are like "moral" lives his life for social behavior:

or non-violence (ahimsa) - Not to harm a living

or The truth and honesty (Satya) - to not lie

or not (asteya) - To not steal

or Nonlust (brahmacharya) - prevent meaningless sexual encounters - moderation in all things sex.

or possessiveness or greed (aparigraha) - do not build, free from greed and material desires

Two. niyamas (celebrations)

This is how we treat ourselves, our inner discipline

or Purity (shauca). Achieving purity through five Yamas practice. Treat your body like a temple and care.

or joy (santosha). Finding happiness in what you have and what you do. Take responsibility for where you are looking for happiness in the moment and choose to grow.

or austerity (tapas): Develop self-discipline. Show discipline in body, speech and mind to aspire to a higher spiritual purpose.

or study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Education. relevant study books to inspire and teach.

or being with the awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana). Being dedicated to all that is their god or what is seen as divine.

Three. asana (postures) -

These are the yoga poses:

Or to create a flexible body to sit for a long time and always in mind. If you can control your body, you can also control the mind. Patanjali and other ancient yogis used asana to prepare the body for meditation.

Only the practice of yoga postures can benefit health partially. You can start at any time and at any age. As we age, stiffen, you remember the last time I could have bent down to pick something up and you felt? Imagine you get older in their fifties, sixties, seventies and still be able to touch your toes or balance on one leg. Did you know that most injuries among the elderly are falling? We tend to lose balance as we age and practice something that will help that is definitely a plus.

The fourth part, breath control is a good vehicle to use if you are interested in learning meditation and relaxation .......

April. pranayama (breathing) - the control of breathing:

inhalation, retention and exhalation of breath

or practice of breath, is easier to concentrate and meditate. Prana is the energy that exists everywhere, is the life force that flows through each of us through the breath.

May. Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)

or Pratyahara is withdrawal of the senses. This occurs during meditation, exercises or yoga postures breathing. The master pratyahara you will be able to focus and concentrate and not be distracted by outside sensory.

June. dharana (concentration) - teaching the mind to focus.

When the concentration or no sense of time. The goal is to calm the mind, for example, fixing the mind on an object and push all thoughts. Dharana is certain that the mind can concentrate without effort.

July. Dhyani (meditation) - the state of meditation

or concentration (dharana) leads to a state of meditation. In meditation, we have a great sense of awareness and is one with the universe. Not aware of all the distractions.

August. samadhi (absorption) - Happiness

or absolute happiness is the ultimate goal of meditation. It is a state of union with yourself and your God or guess, this is when you and the universe are one.

The eight members work together: The first five are on the body and the brain-yama, niyama asana, pranayama and pratyahara - are the foundations of yoga and provide a platform for a spiritual life. The last three are in the reconditioning of the mind. They were developed to help the practitioner achieve enlightenment or oneness with Spirit.

How to choose the type of yoga for you?

The type of yoga you choose to practice is totally individual and therefore why we study here to help get preference. Some guys have more time positions, some move through the rapids. Some styles focus on body alignment, others are distinguished by the speed and choice of postures, meditation and spiritual fulfillment. All are adapted to the physical situation of the student.
You must determine what style of yoga with their individual physical and psychological needs. You may just want a vigorous workout, you want to focus on the development of flexibility and balance. Want to put more emphasis on meditation or just health issues? Some schools teach relaxation, some focus on strength and agility, and others are more aerobic.

I suggest you try some different classes in your area. I realized that, even among teachers of a certain style, there may be differences in how the students benefit from the class. It is important to find a teacher that you feel comfortable to really enjoy life and therefore believe in what you practice.

Once you start learning the postures and fit your body, you can feel comfortable doing it at home too! All types of yoga have clips that can be made to work different parts of your body. In practice, fifteen minutes in the morning can be the start for the day. Your body will feel strong and agile in so little time and knowledge, the option is there for you to develop your own routines.

The main systems of Yoga

The two main systems of yoga Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is based on the "eight limbs of yoga" developed by Pananjali in the Yoga Sutras. Raja is one of the classical philosophical systems of Hindu India.

Hatha Yoga, Hatha Yoga Vidya is also a special system Swatmarama founded by a wise yogi Sentinel 15th in India. Swatmarama compiled the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika", which introduced the system of Hatha Yoga. Hatha yoga is derived from a number of different traditions. It comes from the traditions of Buddhism include Hinayana (narrow gauge) and Mahayana (great course.) Also comes from the tradition of Tantra, including Sahajayana (spontaneously) and Vajrayana (regarding issues of sexuality.) In Hatha yoga there several branches or styles of yoga. This form of yoga works on the physical body postures, exercises and breathing cleaning practices.

Hatha Yoga differs Swatmarama Raja Yoga of Patanjali, as it focuses on Shatkarma, "the purification of physics" as a way to "purification of the mind" and "vital energy". Patanjali begins with "the purification of the mind and spirit" and "body" through posture and breathing.

The great schools of Yoga

There are about forty-four great schools of yoga and many others who claim to be yoga. Some of the larger schools are Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga (as mentioned above). There Kundalini Yoga Pranayama Yoga and Hatha. Jnana, Karma, Bhakti, Ashtanga and Iyengar derived from Raja.

The styles of Hatha Yoga that arise are:

Pranayama Yoga

The word pranayama means prana, energy and Ayama, stretch. Regulation of breathing, extension, expansion, extension, stretch and control describes the action of pranayama yoga. Some controls are included in pranayama breathing practices Hatha Yoga in general (to correct breathing problems).

This school of yoga is based entirely on the concept of Prana (vital energy). There are about 99 different positions that many of them are based on breathing exercises or similar physical.

Pranayama also denotes cosmic power, or the power of the entire universe which manifests itself in conscious living being in us through the phenomenon of breathing.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is the tradition of Yogi Bhajan who brought the western style in 1969. This is a very spiritual approach to hatha yoga involves chanting, meditation, breathing techniques, all used to raise kundalini energy at the base of the spine.

Raja Yoga Styles include derivatives of:

Raja Yoga / Ashtanga Yoga

Raja means king or royalty. It is based on the direction of the force of one's life to bring the spirit and emotions in balance. In this way, attention can be focused on the object of meditation, ie Devine. Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga is one of the four main routes of Yoga Hinduism. The others are the Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. Raja or Ashtanga are derived from the "eight limbs of yoga" composed by Patanjali philosophy.

Yoga Power

Power Yoga was developed by the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, a renowned Sanskrit scholar who inspired Western Yogis with his Ashtanga Yoga Style and philosophies. It is often considered as the western version of Ashtanga yoga in India.
Power yoga is strong and athletic, and is very popular among men. Works with an attitude and mental outlook of the student and incorporates the eight limbs of yoga practice.

Jnana Yoga

Jnana (sometimes spelled "Gnana") means wisdom and the jnani is a wise man. Sometimes called the "yogi of discernment."

This form of yoga focuses on the study of the inner life and Adhyatmic issues, practice some flexibility and contemplative, meditative kriyas. The main purpose of jnana meditation is to withdraw the mind and emotions from perceiving life and oneself in an illusory manner so you can see and live in harmony with reality or with alcohol. This form of yoga focuses on meditation at work
transformation and enlightenment.

Karma Yoga

Karma means "action". Karma Yoga is based on the discipline of action based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred scripture of Hinduism. This yoga of selfless service focuses on the fulfillment of duty (dharma) while remaining detached from the reward. Karma is the sum of our actions, both in this life and in previous lives.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhaki yoga has many phases of their practice. Bhaki means "devotion" and Guna Bhaki is worship according to their nature. A Bhakta Yoga practitioner is not limited to one culture or religion, the approach is to the inner life rather than complete devotion. The car itself universal love of nature.

Bhaki Yoga is the state of being in touch with our existence and being and existence and well being of all things. No matter if you believe in something or do not have the one quality is the opening of mind and heart, unexpected and unknown.

Those who have read about quantum physics, where every atom in the universe is connected to the underlying reality may treat Bhaki yoga philosophy.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga was developed in India by BKS Iyengar, born December 14, 1918. At age 16, he was introduced to yoga by his guru Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Iyengar Yoga is one of the most popular styles that are practiced in the west.

The instructors are very knowledgeable about the anatomy and the location of each specific posture. There is less emphasis on breathing techniques or pranayama and mediation, why practice is very popular in the west.

Iyengar places more emphasis on the proper placement of the feet for securing the spine and hips are aligned. Iyengar has developed numerous accessories and techniques to respond to people in their practice.

Other styles

Purna Yoga or Integral Yoga
Integral Yoga is a yoga of synthesis, to harmonize the paths of karma, jnana and bhakti yoga. It was developed by Swami Satchidananda.

It is also considered a synthesis between Vedanta (Indian system of philosophy) and Tantra (beliefs and practices based on the principle that divine power created and sustains the universe, channel energy within the human microcosm Asia). It was also explained as a synthesis between Western approaches Eastern spirituality.

The postures are softer than other forms of yoga classes and usually end up with long periods of deep relaxation, breathing and meditation. Integral Yoga is an approach along hatha yoga.

Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda Yoga offers a gentle approach. It includes meditation, chanting and deep relaxation in each session. It encourages students to be healthy, which includes being vegetarian.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhury, who was taught by Bishni Ghosh, brother of Paramahansa Yogananda. Bikrams yoga is generally taught at a temperature between 95 and 105 degrees.

The heat helps soften the muscles and ligaments. There are about 26 yoga postures and this produces a real exercise in the heat is very intense. Therefore, this yoga is more emphasis on the physical performance of poses, and not to the sides of relaxation and meditation.

Some of the great masters ...

All styles share a common lineage. The founders of two main styles of yoga Raja / Ashtanga and Avenger were all students of the same great teacher named Krishnamacharya.
Shri T. Krishnamacharya was born in the village of Muchukunte, Karnataka state, in 1888. His formal education, mainly in Sanskrit, including titles from various universities in northern India. Studied for seven years under a prominent yogi in western Tibet: Rama Mohana Brahmachari that taught the therapeutic use of asanas and pranayama. He then returned to South India and founded a yoga school in the palace of the Maharaja of Mysore. He died at the age of 101 in 1988.

Sivananda Yoga and Integral Yoga was founded by students of another great master called Sivananda. Saraswati Swami Sivananda was born Kuppuswamy in Pattamadai, Tamil Nadu, India. A Hindu by birth, is a well known author of Yoga and Vedanta (a main branch of Hindu philosophy).

He is known to have written more than 300 books on these and other life issues. In 1936, he founded a new movement of "Divine Life Society" religious on the banks of holy river Ganges. He died on July 14, 1963.

So what type is right for you?

These are not all types of yoga available, but you can see the brief explanation of each, that the practice of yoga can vary considerably. Each uses physical postures and breathing to strengthen the body for meditation, an inherent part of the practice of yoga.
This is where it is important that students understand what they want from your yoga practice and choose a style that answer that. If you try to not think that is very physical, try another, because it will be totally different. If you start one that is too hard to come back until you find convenient.

Some of us just want to work in the body and some want more emphasis on research methodology of self-realization, whatever the reason I'm sure there are many more styles and development every day to meet our needs .

You are never too old to start yoga, I have met people in the seventies from the first time and experience life changing affects. If you have ever sat and watched your cat or dog in the morning, what is the first thing they do? stretch. If we stop for a moment and see what we can learn from nature and the animal kingdom, we will realize that the simple act of stretching has been lost in our evolution somewhere.

The following table shows the score between 1 and 10 that I gave to explain the degree of physical and degree of meditation / relaxation in each yoga (10 being highest)

Name Yoga Meditation and physical relaxation Rating Rating

Pranayama yoga August 4
Kundalini Yoga June 8
Raja Yoga / Ashtanga Yoga June 10
Power Yoga February 10
Jnana Yoga June 8
Karma Yoga June 8
Bhakti Yoga June 8
Iyengar Yoga August 4
Purna Yoga or Integral Yoga June 8
Sivananda Yoga June 8
Bikram Yoga 10 (due to heat) 2

Lisa turns "Khata" feeds "gifts" of significance to those special people in your life who have an interest in the arts of the East, philosophy and culture.